Airsynergy partners with Lidl to bring off-grid lighting to Drogheda
Irish cleantech firm Airsynergy together with Lidl today announced the installation of ground-breaking Intelligent Smart Poles (ISPs) in Drogheda. The ISPs are the first of their kind to run off wind and solar power, bringing an off-grid lighting solution to Ireland. They have been developed and patented by cutting edge Irish cleantech firm Airsynergy, which is headquartered at Dublin Airport.

The ISP looks and works like a normal street light, but it is a hybrid smart pole that uses wind and solar energy to continuously power itself off-grid. The result is reliable, renewable lighting with Drogheda leading the way in this type of energy installation in Ireland. As well as the Drogheda installation, the Airsynergy ISPs have recently been installed in the US and Germany.
As well as commercial installations like the one in Lidl, the ISPs are also suited to other locations such as retail parks, construction sites, agriculture sites and others where sustainable lighting, monitoring and measurement are required.
In an effort to introduce more green aspects to their stores, Lidl has installed two of the cutting-edge ISPs in the carpark of their recently reopened Drogheda outlet. The installations ensure the carpark continues to be well-lit for shoppers during late hours.
Airsynergy’s CEO Gerry Butler commented on the partnership, “We are extremely proud to be the first cleantech company in Ireland to bring this cutting-edge technology to life. The Airsynergy Intelligent Smart Pole is revolutionising the way we think about and use renewable energy, integrating green technology into everyday life. We look forward to working with even more Irish businesses in the future to continue finding solutions to their energy needs.”
Deirdre Ryan, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Lidl, says the Intelligent Smart Pole is a great way to trial new environmental features in stores. “The new Intelligent Smart Poles at our location in Drogheda are a great example of Lidl trialling innovative technology at our new concept stores. It is fantastic to be able to do this with an indigenous Irish company also who are as committed to the environment as we are.”
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