Media Pack


Your multi-media Construction Industry marketing partner, in print, on the web, through social media… we’ve got you covered.

building connections

Irish building is the most widely read publication and most highly regarded media brand for the construction industry in Ireland.

Irish building is the only subscription-based magazine reaching all key levels of the decision-making chain. With a print, web and digital presence Irish building is the most effective tool you can use to connect with the construction industry.

Irish building has a clear editorial ethos: Credibility and Quality.
All content is written by, or in collaboration with, experts in their field and provides a uniquely informed perspective on the sector. We provide a trusted reader friendly platform in which to access the most up-to-date information. A single focus of promoting excellence in the industry informs all content.

Business is about building connections. Over the past 30 + years, we have built a trusted relationship with our readers. We communicate the news, interview industry leaders, report on current affairs, events, industry analysis, company and project profiles to our sector. Irish building has an unrivalled exposure and influence with the industry’s decision-makers.

Distributed to main and specialist contractors, architects, engineers, quantity surveyors, suppliers, stakeholders, key clients, specifiers, government departments, local authorities, manufacturers and the allied sectors, from concept to completion. Irish building is the magazine of choice for construction professionals.


join the conversation

digital edition

Substantially increasing the readership and exposure, each issue of Irish building now has an enhanced, cover to cover digital edition. Distributed electronically to our extensive email database & accessed from our homepage the digital edition can be viewed on your PC, tablet & smartphone. The entire edition can be searched, downloaded, pages can be e-mailed & you can discuss the topics with your colleagues through social media. In combination with our print circulation, there is no more effective way to get the industry to hear what you have to say.

All advertising placed in the magazine is published in our digital edition at no extra cost and has hyperlinks installed making your company email and website one click away from our readers, and your current and prospective clients. Video and other interactive elements can be added.

web is the industry’s most visited daily construction news and information portal. The site provides breaking news, interviews, project and company profiles, legal and regulatory articles plus the very latest technology and product developments.

social media

Irish building has fully embraced social media. We are active on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Daily news items and selected web content get tweeted and posted to our LinkedIn group forums and Instagram stories making Irish building part of our industry’s daily conversation. Through our site and social media we are connecting with industry professionals daily.

Rates valid from 1 February 2022

Irish building magazine Print & Digital

Advert Dimensions Rate
DPS.   Must include the Bleed allowance noted. 330mm H x 480 W (Trim Size) + 10mm Bleed Allowance €4,995
Full Page 300mm H x 200mm W  | Safe Area  (EXAMPLE) €3,995
Full Page Bleed.  Must include the Bleed allowance noted. 330mm H x 240mm W (Trim Size) + 10mm Bleed Allowance  (EXAMPLE) €3,995
1/2 Page 148mm H x 200mm W €2,295
1/2 Page Vertical 300mm H x 98mm W €2,295
1/4 Page 148mm H x 98mm W €1,395

Cover Costs available on request

Banner Placement

Advert Landscape Dimensions Rate
Top Banner 800 W x 100 H pixels 1 month €1995
Side Banner 330 W x 250 H pixels 1 month €995
Bottom Banner 800 W x 100 H pixels 1 month €1295

Breaking News Item Placement

Advert Landscape Dimensions Rate
Breaking News 800 W x 100 H pixels Exclusive 1 month €1995
Shared 1 month if available (3 Co’s) €795


For the printed magazine, please send the advert artwork as a Print Ready PDF laid out at the correct dimensions (as detailed above) with bleed and crop marks. Add 10mm bleed when appropriate. Any material provided to create an advert must be exported in high resolution and with CMYK breakdown embedded.

For web advertising, we accept JPEG, GIF and PNG files laid out at the exact pixel dimensions.