Maloney welcomes government investment of €115m in housing
For the first time since the days of the Celtic Tiger, local authorities are to receive funding to build new homes, a move welcomed by Deputy Eamonn Maloney. Over the next two years a €65m building programme will see new houses being constructed.
“In addition to the €65m building programme, an investment of €15m has been allocated to allow councils to address the scandalous problems of council houses which have been long-term vacant. This scheme will bring back for allocation over 320 homes that are presently vacant.
“Despite the pressure on the public purse, the Government has maintained the homeless budget of €45m. This will ensure progress towards the ending of long-term homelessness.
“The previous Government abandoned the funding of social housing which has resulted in the longest housing list ever and a rate of homelessness never seen in Ireland before. They promoted the building of mansions, high rise apartment blocks, etc. and abandoned those who needed social housing.
“This Government is striving to give those families who cannot buy their own home a chance to get off the housing list, and enjoy a home of their own.”