AG steps up to the Quality Management Marque!

AG has reinforced its commitment to continuous business improvement by securing the coveted ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard.

The Standard covers all aspects of the business including customer service, production and sales and marketing.

According to AG’s Quality Manager, Ed O’Hara the accreditation is a significant step in ensuring there is strict adherence to a range of important systems and processes throughout the company.

“This was essentially a ten-month process for us that involved in-depth examination of the way we do almost everything. It was incredibly useful in that it helped identify areas on which we need to work as well as formalising certain procedures and operational frameworks that had been in existence for many years.”

“To be awarded with this important accreditation which we can now add to ISO14001 (Environmental Standard) and ISO18001 (Health and Safety) demonstrates our companywide commitment to continuous improvement and excellence across every facet of the organisation.”