Innovative Energy Partnership Takes Flight
ESB and Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) have announced an innovative energy agreement which will see the two organisations collaborate to achieve a 30% energy saving at Dublin Airport. The agreement is the first full energy spectrum collaboration of its kind in Ireland and aims to make the airport an international energy exemplar airport complex by 2020.
ESB will provide DAA with access to a broad range of power sector expertise from optimised load management to zero emission transport solutions. In return, ESB will secure Better Energy scheme credits from the SEAI. ESB and DAA together will identify opportunities to use low carbon technologies to improve energy performance at the airport.
ESB CEO Pat Doherty said “Over the past decade, ESB has been leading the way in decarbonising Ireland’s electricity system and we have developed significant expertise in a wide range of low carbon and energy efficient technologies. We now see opportunities to leverage this expertise beyond our core business by working with progressive partners like DAA who are seeking to increase energy efficiency and achieve operational savings. This is a win-win opportunity. DAA will benefit from expertise across the full energy spectrum from electric cars and smart grids to renewables, helping to put Dublin airport on the map internationally as a low carbon airport facility. In turn, ESB will secure valuable credits from the SEAI under the Better Energy Scheme. Meanwhile, we will together contribute to meeting the Government’s mandated EU Energy Targets and showcase Ireland’s leadership in the area of cleantech and renewable energy.
“We will be looking at this collaboration model over time and assessing the potential to replicate it with other interested parties in future. Both ESB and DAA have international consultancy businesses that will benefit from this iconic reference site in future.” He said.
DAA CEO Kevin Toland said “DAA is deeply committed to developing Dublin airport as a hub of energy efficiency. In partnership with the ESB we are aiming to reduce our energy consumption by 33% by 2020. We want to be leaders in this field and help Ireland meet national obligations in the process. Dublin Airport is already Airport Carbon Accredited, as part of a Europe-wide airport carbon management certification programme that covers more than half of European air passenger traffic. Over the past three years Dublin Airport succeeded in reducing its carbon footprint by 5,000 tonnes, which is equivalent to a 10% reduction in carbon emissions under its control. We are looking forward to building on this performance and making even more energy savings that will also benefit the travelling public through sustainable environmental performance and annual cost savings.”