Wind Energy Sector Remains on Course to Deliver 8,400 Jobs and over 180 projects

The Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA) has today highlighted that the sector is geared up to deliver over 180 new projects, which will be key to Ireland meeting our 2020 targets, reducing emissions and delivering energy security while also making a significant economic contribution in terms of jobs and investment. 

Responding to media reports around the Inter-Governmental Agreement with the UK, Kenneth Matthews, CEO of IWEA said, “Activity in the Irish wind energy sector will be buoyant in the coming years with over 180 confirmed projects already in the pipeline, which will bring jobs and investment right across the country while also supporting communities through rates and community gain.

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According to a new TCD/ESRI report this will bring the total number of jobs in the sector from 3,400 at present to beyond 8,400 and see €7 billion invested in the economy, doubling our production of clean, indigenous and renewable energy.

“Delivering part of Ireland’s renewable export potential before 2020 to assist the UK has always been primarily dependent on the successful conclusion of an Inter-Governmental Agreement. The quality and quantity of Irish renewables is such that harnessing these resources could deliver significant additional investment and jobs as shown in a recent TCD/ESRI report. As an industry our main focus remains as always on meeting our 2020 targets while also pursuing ambitious 2030 targets for renewables.

“The appetite remains for clean, indigenous, renewable sources of energy and we are determined to work with communities, the Government, and our member organisations to ensure that our national ambitions are realised.”

A study published this week by the European Commission found that 89% of Irish people believe theGovernment should set increased renewable energy targets for 2030. The study also found that 82% of Irish people believe that fighting climate change and using energy more efficiently can boost both jobs numbers and the overall economy[1).

[1] Climate Change, Special Eurobarometer 409, European Commission well as a voice to promote wind energy to government. IWEA is entirely self-funded and relies on the support of its members. For more information, please visit