Government incentives for the construction sector – CIF briefing
The CIF held a briefing recently to discuss the Government incentives / assistance that are available to those in the construction sector looking to take on new employees.
Minister for State, Kevin Humphries TD and Mr. John McKeon, Assistant Secretary General at the Department of Social Protection provided a range of insights and information to construction companies about the labour market and how the sector can make use of the Pathways to Work. They were joined by CIF Senior Vice President Michael Stone and CIF Director General Tom Parlon.
You can watch the video of the briefing by clicking on the image below.
The information provided at this briefing is invaluable to anyone considering taking on additional employees. In the coming months the CIF will be working with the Department of Social Protection’s Intreo Employment and Support Services to provide additional information to members and to the wider industry. We believe there is substantial potential for the construction industry to make use of these positive initiatives and we will be helping Intreo to promote them throughout the industry.

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