Dwelling units approved down 14.1% in year

In 2012 a total of 3,643 planning permissions were granted for new dwellings. This compares to a total of over 27,000 in 2004 and over 25,000 in 2005.

In the fourth quarter of 2012, planning permissions were granted for 1,851 dwelling units, compared with 2,156 units for the same period in 2011, a decrease of 14.1 %. See Table 4.

The fourth quarter figures also show that:Planning Permissions were granted for 1,420 houses in the fourth quarter of 2012 and 1,537 in the fourth quarter of 2011, a decrease of


Planning permissions were granted for 431 apartment units, compared with 619 units for the same period in 2011, a decrease of 30.4%. One-off houses accounted for 40.6% of all new dwelling units granted planning permission in this quarter.

The total number of planning permissions granted for all developments was 3,320. This compares with 3,283 in the fourth quarter of 2011, an increase of 1.1%.  Total floor area planned was 763 thousand square metres in the fourth quarter of 2012. Of this, 42.6% was for new dwellings, 34.2% for other new constructions and 23.2% for extensions. The total floor area planned increased by 7.8% in comparison with the same quarter in 2011.

Planning Permissions for new buildings for Agriculture decreased to 185 this quarter. This compares to 129 permissions in the same quarter of 2011.